If you have questions you want other colors sizes please feel free to look for internal messages.
Unfortunately, the photos will never know the true colors and structure to give back!
Upon request, the floral bracelet clothing bag, brooches, hair .. can be placed.
All rights reserved.
Click here to download the text and photos copyright works on the 1999th LXXVI. are protected by copyright law.
Such unauthorized use of unauthorized copying revision and distribution of the statutory offense matter involves legal consequences.
If you need something by all means one of those, please write a letter for the first time.
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I thank the creator.
Unfortunately, the photos will never know the true colors and structure to give back!
Upon request, the floral bracelet clothing bag, brooches, hair .. can be placed.
All rights reserved.
Click here to download the text and photos copyright works on the 1999th LXXVI. are protected by copyright law.
Such unauthorized use of unauthorized copying revision and distribution of the statutory offense matter involves legal consequences.
If you need something by all means one of those, please write a letter for the first time.
Find the right solution.
I thank the creator.